If you're a private lender, you put significant effort into acquiring quality clients. Your website is top-notch, you invest in Google ads, and you build lasting relationships. However, once the loan is handed over to your servicer, issues start to emerge.
Some servicers are so big, that the pure volume of calls leaves borrowers (and sometimes you) waiting 5-10 minutes on hold to make a simple payment or clarify a question. Even when borrowers do get through, the information they receive is often unclear, incomplete, or requires follow-up that never materializes. Frustrated, your borrowers turn to you for help, which defeats the purpose of having a servicer.
All the hard work, resources, and money you've invested in acquiring quality clients is now jeopardized by the inadequacies of your servicer.
We've heard these stories repeatedly from many lenders who've switched to Servicing Pros. What intrigues us is why they continue to stay when promises are unfulfilled, and the service quality doesn't improve. Servicing Pros comprehends the significance of safeguarding your brand. We possess certain attributes that can maintain your brand presence.
We are all accountants, well-versed in data and its utilization. We run continuous queries to prevent errors and identify issues requiring further investigation, saving you and your borrowers time and money.
We understand that software isn't infallible and we are power users of the systems we use. We have our own programmers who develop dynamic portals and APIs for our lenders and brokers. We also have multiple queries in place to catch software glitches before they become problematic.
We prioritize efficiency. We pick up the phone promptly because we understand that time is money. We don't overextend ourselves, ensuring that you have our full attention.
Our agents are more than customer service representatives. They understand your loans and can resolve yours or your borrower's questions in one phone call.
Our staff is well-trained and well-compensated, resulting in low turnover. We foster a healthy and enjoyable work environment, investing in our employees' growth.
We are all fluent in Spanish, eliminating the need for translators and reducing miscommunication.
You need your "person". That's fine, we believe in creating strong, lasting relationships with our clients, offering clear and transparent communication.
If you need quality, we are the most valuable option. To experience the difference, don't hesitate to contact us at 877-313-0095 or meet us at AAPL this November. We'll elevate your servicing to a whole new level. #servicingpros #loanservicing #privatelending #hardmoney #AAPL
Post created on 04/25/2024